Occasional Yellow Discharge

Vaginal discharge is normal – most women and girls get it. It's a fluid or mucus that keeps the vagina clean and moist, and protects it from infection.

Vaginal discharge is any liquid material that exits the vagina. In dogs, the appearance of additional quantities of this fluid or changes to its appearance can indicate a problem. Common types of discharge include clear and watery, bloody, mucoid, or purulent (containing pus). Occasional yellow discharge Download Here Free HealthCareMagic App to Ask a Doctor All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice.

  1. Yellow discharge is usually a small amount of blood mixed in with your cervical fluid or the result of small fluctuations in your hormonal balance. It can arise as a result of our normal bodily functions or it can be linked to more worrying but common health issues. The following scenarios are often associated with yellow vaginal discharge.
  2. Yellow discharge during sexual intercourse: During sexual intercourse, vaginal secretion increases automatically to provide lubrication. If you are sexually aroused then changes in physical and psychological environment leads to increased blood flow to pelvic area which ultimately increases the mucus secretion.

Check if your vaginal discharge is normal

Vaginal discharge is not usually anything to worry about if it:

  • does not have a strong or unpleasant smell
  • is clear or white
  • is thick and sticky
  • is slippery and wet

You can get vaginal discharge at any age.

The amount of discharge varies. You usually get heavier discharge during pregnancy, if you're sexually active or if you're using birth control. It's often slippery and wet for a few days between your periods (when you ovulate).

When vaginal discharge can be a sign of an infection

If your discharge changes – for example, in smell, colour or texture – it might be a sign of an infection. But do not self-diagnose – see a GP if you're worried.

Possible causes
DischargePossible cause
Smells fishyBacterial vaginosis
Thick and white, like cottage cheeseThrush
Green, yellow or frothyTrichomoniasis
With pelvic pain or bleedingChlamydia or gonorrhoea
With blisters or soresGenital herpes

Non-urgent advice: See a GP or go to a sexual health clinic if:

  • your vaginal discharge changes colour, smell or texture
  • you produce more discharge than usual
  • you feel itchy or sore
  • you bleed between periods or after sex
  • you get pain when peeing
  • you get pain in the area between your tummy and thighs (pelvic pain)

Sexual health clinics can help with abnormal discharge

Sexual health clinics treat problems with the genitals and urine system.

Many sexual health clinics offer a walk-in service, where you do not need an appointment. They'll often get test results quicker than GP surgeries.

Things you can do to help with vaginal discharge

You cannot prevent vaginal discharge.

Panty liners can help with heavy or excessive discharge or if you're worried about any smell. But do not use them all of the time because they can cause irritation.

To help avoid irritation, soreness or dryness:


  • wash the skin around your vagina gently using plain water


  • do not use perfumed or non-perfumed soaps or gels

  • do not use deodorants or scented hygiene wipes

  • do not wash inside your vagina (douche)

Page last reviewed: 25 January 2021
Next review due: 25 January 2024

23 May 2013 by Stunnah
23 April 2014
bacterial vaginitis, sexually transmitted diseases, discharge, yeast infection

Okay , so I've made multiple posts here about yellow discharge and what could be the cause. I am free of STDs, got checked for BV and Trich yesterday, apparently am negative for both.

Since then, I had been putting toilet paper down in my underwear to track the coloring on my discharge . It always appeared yellow for almost 2 months now.

Since finding out I'm free of BV and Trich (assuming the test was accurate),
I noticed yellow discharge again this morning. Instead, I did something i haven't done before - i wiped the discharge off of the toilet paper with my finger to see what it would look like.

It was white and clear on my finger .. but yellow on the toilet paper?! And I was wondering why this is? Does all 'normal' discharge appear yellow on toilet paper? And white on your finger or elsewhere ?

And if its normal why does the discharge appear yellow on the toilet paper but white and clear on my finger?

If its not normal what could it be? I am going for a pap smear soon so they should be able to tell me more and thinking of getting checked for a yeast infection.

Although the discharge is thin, and smells musty, doesn't smell fishy. I don't get pain while urinating, and i don't itch in that area.

Thank you !

DzooBaby23 May 2013

It could just be normal discharge. The vagina is a moist self cleaning organ. Some women have more discharge than others and at certain times, you may have more discharge that at others. If you have been to a gynecologist and they tested you for STD's and infections, I'm sure they would have told you if it was yeast. Yeast is thick cottage cheese like discharge that is easy to see with a pelvic exam. If you have no itching or burning, it might just be your hormones making the vagina kick out a little more drainage or if you are having sex frequently then it may just be your vagina cleansing itself. I have seen that sometimes my discharge looks white but yellowish on toilet paper. Remember that toilet paper is white, white. Something beige or cream colored may look white until you hold a piece of white paper to it. It sounds to me like it is just normal discharge. Dont worry about it. If you need to, wear a panty liner.

Stunnah23 May 2013

Thank you .
I went to a walk in clinic so they didn't examine me , they just took a swab of discharge and put it under the microscope . So im hoping they had enough discharge to show whether i had BV or not .They said I was negative for it but i don't know how accurate those tests are .

And I haven't had sex in 8 months so it can't be from sex .
So I possibly just thought it was yellow because thats when i started using toilet paper as padding .
Hopefully its just the toilet paper making it look yellow !

Hopefully my pap smear can tell me if its something else ! And its not like cottage cheese , just thin and yellow looking on toilet paper .
And the only thing that bothers me is i don't remember having discharge constantly daily before . And I have discharge everyday now .

Thanks again for your help !

DzooBaby23 May 2013

If they looked under the microscope they would have seen if there was any bacterias or yeasts. The amount of discharge can change from time to time in your life.

Stunnah24 May 2013

Occasional Yellow Vaginal Discharge

Ok thank you very much !
When they look under the micrscope can some of the discahrge they see have the infection and some is clean ?
And do you know if pap smears test for STDs besies HIV/AIDS ?

jacque0823 Apr 2014

I have actually had questions with this and went to see my Doctor. Everything checked out normal but small elevated signs of Bacterial Vaginosis. My doctor said it should go away within time and it did. Although it went away the discharge never changed into white. But its true, your discharge isn't white as paper, It'll be a beige maybe even slight yellow. If your worried that you may have something check the other symptoms like smelly odors, etc. And it has to be a foul odor not cake smelling, dough smelling kinda thing. I've noticed your discharge changes its odor depending on your eating habits. I was eating large amounts of cinammon one time for a few weeks and noticed it started smelling like cinammon, haha. Very funny how our bodies change with our diet. That doesn't work always get tested if it gets worse or you have any other symptoms arise.

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