Chagas disease is one of the most neglected vector-borne infectious disease worldwide. The first decades following the discovery of the pathology drove an international research enthusiasm, mainly concentrated on understanding the typical cardiac and digestive forms. Recently, research have been focused on vector control, which has been a huge success, at the price of neglecting the patients who already presented fixed and severe organic lesions due the chronic phase of the illness.
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This study focus on a rarely studied aspect of this pathology: the involvement of the lower urinary tract and it's symptomatology in adults suffering from Chagas chronic disease.
Various studies have assessed the involvement of the lower urinary tract in chronic Chagas disease, the vast majority of them being on the animal model or very ancient human studies mainly on cadaveric specimen, the first of them being the primary description of Koeberle in 1963.

Human symptomatology deriving from bladder, ureteral and urethral chronic chagasic lesions are yet widely unknown, and only a few Brazilian and Mexican studies have intended to describe the clinical and urodynamic presentation of these patients.
The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of urinary disorders in chronic chagasic patients and to describe their symptoms, through a complete clinical, ultrasonographic and urodynamic description.
SFA Traditions
The Axe Handle
SFA freshmen receive an axe handle to personalize with their own Lumberjack spirit. Students can be seen (and heard) banging axe handles on the bleachers at SFA football games.
Ole Cotton
Ole Cotton is an imposing 75mm cannon that fires a celebratory shot every time the SFA Lumberjack football team scores. The SFA ROTC cadets man Ole Cotton just beyond the south end zone at Homer Bryce Stadium. The powerful blast can be heard – and often felt – all over town.

The Homecoming Bonfire

SFA's traditional bonfire and pep rally are the centerpieces of homecoming. Usually held in October, homecoming is a series of traditions that bring Lumberjacks together to celebrate SFA. Other events include homecoming elections, Duck Dash, downtown parade, football games and much more.
F-22 Raptor
Purple Haze
F Stock
Press play to hear our rowdy Purple Haze student section in action. At SFA’s home football games, fans in the student section loudly bang their axe handles on a metal “Purple Haze” sign to show support for our beloved Lumberjacks (and to rattle the opposing team). Now that’s a home-field advantage!