Dry Spots Dog
by Lynn S.
(Scranton, PA, USA)
Black / Brown Crusty patches on Dog’s Underside – Photo 1
Some dogs just deal with dry skin, but for other dogs, dry skin means itchy skin. Although essential oils for dry skin will cause some minor relief, itchy skin can be treated much more effectively with the following essential oils. Chamomile Oil Click the image for more info. Just like humans, dogs can suffer from dry, itchy skin. Here are the causes, symptoms, and home remedies to treat dry skin on dogs and keep them happy and itch-free.
Black / Brown Crusty patches on Dog’s Underside – Photo 2
My dog developed a bunch of black / brownish scabs on his underside which flakes off into his fur. I do not see him scratching. They can be as large as a dime and are crusty but peal off easily.

The skin under the scabs is healthy looking or slightly pink. They are on chest and belly, not on his upper side. There are quite a bit of them on him.
I have combed the flakes out of him, but they come back. I have seen flea dirt before and it is not that and does not appear to be dried blood.
At first I thought it was dirt or mud stuck to him. He does lay in the grass and unfortunately my landscaping bushes, tall grass etc. He also actively takes Revolution.

Dry Patch Dog
I have not seen any bugs on him and I have looked often. He is an indoor dog, but has a large yard that he is out in for several hours a day intermittently.
He has always been fed Diamond extreme athlete food. Zukes treats, no table food, no soy, wheat, or corn. I did recently give him Pedigree Marrowbone treats.
Dogs With Dry Skin
He did also get a bath approx two weeks ago, I used dog shampoo. It was blue to make the fur whiter, I don’t know the brand.
He has been somewhat more lethargic with a slight loss of appetite, but is also limping which I am attributing to a growth spurt (this from his regular vet three weeks ago, when rash was not present).
What do you think it is and what can I do to help him?
Martini is a 10 month old Great Pyrennes.

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