MC-Computermagazin, 11:48-64, 1988. Invariant pattern recognition by means of fast synaptic plasticity. Joachim Buhmann and Klaus Schulten. In IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, California, July 24-27, 1988, volume 1, pp. 125-132, New York, 1988. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Software und Hardware im Test, alles zu Browsern und Betriebssystemen, Smartphones und Computerspiele im Praxistest sowie Infos zu Datenschutz im Internet.
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724. Pro-nifuroxazide self-assembly leads to triggerable nanomedicine foranti-cancer therapy.Santosh Misra, Zhe Wu, Fatemeh Ostadhossein, Mao Ye, Kingsley Boateng, KlausSchulten, Emad Tajkhorshid, and Dipanjan Pan. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11:18074-18089, 2019.(PMC: PMC7066988) |
723. Fast pressure-jump all-atom simulations and experiments revealsite-specific protein dehydration-folding dynamics.Maxim B. Prigozhin, Yi Zhang, Klaus Schulten, Martin Gruebele, and Taras V.Pogorelov. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,116:5356-5361, 2019.(PMC: PMC6431218) |
722. All-atom molecular dynamics of the HBV capsid reveals insights intobiological function and cryo-EM resolution limits.Jodi A Hadden, Juan R Perilla, Christopher John Schlicksup, BalasubramanianVenkatakrishnan, Adam Zlotnick, and Klaus Schulten. eLife, 7:e32478, 2018.(PMC: PMC5927769) |
721. Molecular mechanism of extreme mechanostability in a pathogenadhesin.Lukas F. Milles, Klaus Schulten, Hermann E. Gaub, and Rafael C. Bernardi. Science, 359:1527-1533, 2018.(PMC: PMC6451932) |
720. NAMD goes quantum: An integrative suite for hybrid simulations.Marcelo Melo, Rafael Bernardi, Till Rudack, Maximilian Scheurer, ChristophRiplinger, James Phillips, Julio Maia, Gerd Rocha, J. Ribeiro, John Stone,Frank Nesse, Klaus Schulten, and Zaida Luthey-Schulten. Nature Methods, 15:351-354, 2018.(PMC: PMC6095686) |
719. PyContact: Rapid, customizable and visual analysis of non-covalentinteractions in MD simulations.M. Scheurer, P. Rodenkirch, M. Siggel, R. C. Bernardi, K. Schulten,E. Tajkhorshid, and T. Rudack. Biophysical Journal, 114:577-583, 2018.(PMC: PMC5985026) |
718. Lateral segregation of Photosystem I in cyanobacterialthylakoid.Craig MacGregor-Chatwin, Melih Sener, Samuel F.H. Barnett, Andrew Hitchcock,Meghan C. Barnhart-Dailey, Karim Maghlaoui, James Barber, Jerilyn A. Timlin,Klaus Schulten, and C. Neil Hunter. Plant Cell, 29:1119-1136, 2017.(PMC: PMC5466035) |
717. Quenching protein dynamics interferes with HIV capsid maturation.Mingzhang Wang, Caitlin M. Quinn, Juan R. Perilla, Huilan Zhang, Randall ShirraJr., Guangjin Hou, In-Ja Byeon, Christopher L. Suiter, Sherimay Ablan, EmikoUrano, Theodore J. Nitz, Christopher Aiken, Eric O. Freed, Peijun Zhang,Klaus Schulten, Angela M. Gronenborn, and Tatyana Polenova. Nature Communications, 8:1779, 2017.(PMC: PMC5701193) |
716. Constant-pH molecular dynamics simulations for large biomolecularsystems.Brian K Radak, Christophe Chipot, Donghyuk Suh, Sunhwan Jo, Wei Jiang, James CPhillips, Klaus Schulten, and Benoît Roux. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 13:5933-5944,2017.(PMC: PMC5726918) |
715. CryoEM structure of MxB reveals a novel oligomerization interfacecritical for HIV restriction.Frances J. D. Alvarez, Shaoda He, Juan R. Perilla, Sooin Jang, Klaus Schulten,Alan N. Engelman, Sjors H. W. Scheres, and Peijun Zhang. Science Advances, 3:e1701264, 2017.(PMC: PMC5600524) |
714. Detection of methylation on dsDNA using nanopores in a MoS2membrane.Jiwook Shim, Shouvik Banerjee, Hu Qiu, Kirby K. H. Smithe, David Estrada,Julian Bello, Eric Pop, Klaus Schulten, and Rashid Bashir. Nanoscale, 9:14836-14845, 2017. |
713. Permeability of a fluid lipid bilayer to short-chain alcohols fromfirst principles.Jeffrey Comer, Klaus Schulten, and Christophe Chipot. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 13:2523-2532,2017. |
712. Physical properties of the HIV-1 capsid from all-atom moleculardynamics simulations.Juan R. Perilla and Klaus Schulten. Nature Communications, 8:15959, 2017.(PMC: PMC5524983) |
711. Skeletal dysplasia mutations effect on human filamins' structure andmechanosensing.Jonne Seppälä, Rafael C. Bernardi, Tatu J. K. Haataja, Maarit Hellman,Olli T. Pentikäinen, Klaus Schulten, Perttu Permi, Jari Ylänne, andUlla Pentikäinen. Scientific Reports, 7:4218, 2017.(PMC: PMC5484675) |
710. Angular measurements of the dynein ring reveal a stepping mechanismdependent on a flexible stalk.Lisa G. Lippert, Tali Dadosh, Jodi A. Hadden, Benjamin T. Diroll,Christopher B. Murray, Erika L.F. Holzbaur, Klaus Schulten, Samara L.Reck-Peterson, and Yale E. Goldman. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,114:E4564-E4573, 2017.(PMC: PMC5468668) |
709. Computational de novo design of antibodies binding to a peptide withhigh affinity.Venkata Giridhar Poosarla, Tong Li, Boon Chong Goh, Klaus Schulten, Thomas K.Wood, and Costas D. Maranas. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114:1331-1342, 2017.(PMC: PMC5726764) |
708. Detection and mapping of DNA methylation with 2D materialnanopores.Hu Qiu, Aditya Sarathy, Klaus Schulten, and Jean-Pierre Leburton. npj 2D Materials and Applications, 1:3, 2017.(PMC: PMC5794036) |
707. Quantitative characterization of domain motions in molecularmachines.Suvrajit Maji, Rezvan Shahoei, Klaus Schulten, and Joachim Frank. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121:3747-3756, 2017.(PMC: PMC5479934) |
706. Structural insights into the functional cycle of the ATPase moduleof the 26S proteasome.Marc Wehmer, Till Rudack, Florian Beck, Antje Aufderheide, Günter Pfeifer,Jürgen M. Plitzko, Friedrich Förster, Klaus Schulten, WolfgangBaumeister, and Eri Sakata. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,114:1305-1310, 2017.(PMC: PMC5307450) |
705. CHRAMM-GUI MDFF/xMDFF utilizer for molecular dynamics flexiblefitting simulations in various environments.Yifei Qi, Jumin Lee, Abhishek Singharoy, Ryan Mcgreevy, Klaus Schulten, andWonpil Im. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121:3718-3723, 2016.(PMC: PMC5398930) |
704. A central cavity within the holo-translocon suggests a mechanism formembrane protein insertion.Mathieu Botte, Nathan Zaccai, Jelger Lycklama à Nijeholt, Remy Martin,Kèvin Knoops, Gabor Papai, Juan Zou, Aurélien Deniaud, ManikandanKaruppasamy, Qiyang Jiang, Abhishek Singha Roy, Klaus Schulten, PatrickSchultz, Juri Rappsilber, Giuseppe Zaccai, Imre Berger, Ian Collinson, andChristiane Schaffitzel. Scientific Reports, 6:38399, 2016.(PMC: PMC5141469) |
703. Chemomechanical coupling in hexameric protein-protein interfacesharnesses energy within V-type ATPases.Abhishek Singharoy, Christophe Chipot, Mahmoud Moradi, and Klaus Schulten. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139:293-310, 2017.(PMC: PMC5518570) |
702. HIV-1 capsid function is regulated by dynamics: Quantitativeatomic-resolution insights by integrating magic-angle-spinning NMR,QM/MM, and MD.Huilan Zhang, Guangjin Hou, Manman Lu, Jinwoo Ahn, In-Ja L. Byeon,Christopher J. Langmead, Juan R. Perilla, Ivan Hung, Peter L. Gor'kov,Zhehong Gan, William W. Brey, David A. Case, Klaus Schulten, Angela M.Gronenborn, and Tatyana Polenova. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138:14066-14075,2016.(PMC: PMC5380593) |
701. Crystal structure and conformational change mechanism of a bacterialNramp-family divalent metal transporter.Aaron T. Bozzi, Lukas B. Bane, Wilhelm A. Weihofen, Abhishek Singharoy,Eduardo R. Guillen, Hidde L. Ploegh, Klaus Schulten, and Rachelle Gaudet. Structure, 24:2102-2114, 2016.(PMC: PMC5143219) |
700. Mechanism of the primary charge transfer reaction in the cytochromebc1 complex.Angela M. Barragan, Klaus Schulten, and Ilia A. Solov'yov. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120:11369-11380, 2016. |
699. 3D implementation of the symbol nomenclature for graphicalrepresentation of glycans.David F. Thieker, Jodi A. Hadden, Klaus Schulten, and Robert J. Woods. Glycobiology, 26:786-787, 2016.(PMC: PMC5018049) |
698. Binding site recognition and docking dynamics of a single electrontransport protein: Cytochrome c2.Abhishek Singharoy, Angela M. Barragan, Sundarapandian Thangapandian, EmadTajkhorshid, and Klaus Schulten. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138:12077-12089,2016.(PMC: PMC5518707) |
697. Conserved methionine dictates substrate preference in Nramp-familydivalent metal transporters.Aaron T. Bozzi, Lukas B. Bane, Wilhelm Weihofen, Anne McCabe, AbhishekSingharoy, Chris Chipot, Klaus Schulten, and Rachelle Gaudet. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,113:10310-10315, 2016.(PMC: PMC5027461) |
696. Overall energy conversion efficiency of a photosynthetic vesicle.Melih Sener, Johan Strümpfer, Abhishek Singharoy, C. Neil Hunter, and KlausSchulten. eLife, 10.7554/eLife.09541, 2016. (30 pages).(PMC: PMC5001839) |
695. Molecular dynamics-based refinement and validation for sub-5 Åcryo-electron microscopy maps.Abhishek Singharoy, Ivan Teo, Ryan McGreevy, John E. Stone, Jianhua Zhao, andKlaus Schulten. eLife, 10.7554/eLife.16105, 2016.(PMC: PMC4990421) |
694. The structure of the human 26S proteasome at a resolution of 3.9Å.Andreas Schweitzer, Antje Aufderheide, Till Rudack, Florian Beck, GunterPfeifer, Jurgen M. Plitzko, Eri Sakata, Klaus Schulten, Friedrich Forster,and Wolfgang Baumeister. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,113:7816-7821, 2016.(PMC: PMC4948313) |
693. Dynamic behavior of trigger factor on the ribosome.Julian Deeng, Kwok-Yan Chan, Eli O. van der Sluis, Lukas Bischoff, OttoBerninghausen, Wei Han, James Gumbart, Klaus Schulten, Birgitta Beatrix, andRoland Beckmann. Journal of Molecular Biology, 428:3588-3602, 2016. |
692. A time-course of orchestrated endophilin action in sensing, bending,and stabilizing curved membranes.Kumud R Poudel, Yongming Dong, Hang Yu, Allen Su, Thuong Ho, Yan Liu, KlausSchulten, and Jihong Bai. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 27:2119-2132, 2016.(PMC: PMC4927284) |
691. Elucidation of lipid binding sites on lung surfactant protein Ausing X-ray crystallography, mutagenesis and molecular dynamicssimulations.Boon Chong Goh, Huixing Wu, Michael J. Rynkiewicz, Klaus Schulten, Barbara A.Seaton, and Francis X. McCormack. Biochemistry, 55:3692-3701, 2016.(PMC: PMC5663190) |
690. Early experiences porting the NAMD and VMD molecular simulationand analysis software to GPU-accelerated OpenPOWER platforms.John E. Stone, Antti-Pekka Hynninen, James C. Phillips, and Klaus Schulten. International Workshop on OpenPOWER for HPC (IWOPH'16), pp.188-206, 2016. |
689. The water permeability and pore entrance structure of aquaporin-4channels depend on lipid bilayer thickness.Jihong Tong, Zhe Wu, Margaret M. Briggs, Klaus Schulten, and Thomas J.Mclntosh. Biophysical Journal, 111:90-99, 2016.(PMC: PMC4944661) |
688. Adaptive multilevel splitting method for molecular dynamicscalculation of benzamidine-trypsin dissociation time.Ivan Teo, Christopher G. Mayne, Klaus Schulten, and Tony Lelievre. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 12:2983-2989,2016. |
687. QwikMD-integrative molecular dynamics toolkit for novices andexperts.Joao V. Ribeiro, Rafael C. Bernardi, Till Rudack, John E. Stone, James C.Phillips, Peter L. Freddolino, and Klaus Schulten. Scientific Reports, 6:26536, 2016.(PMC: PMC4877583) |
686. All-atom molecular dynamics of virus capsids as drug targets.Juan R. Perilla, Jodi A. Hadden, Boon Chong Goh, Christopher G. Mayne, andKlaus Schulten. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7:1836-1844, 2016.(PMC: PMC4876486) |
685. Contributions of charged residues in structurally dynamic capsidsurface loops to Rous sarcoma virus assembly.Katrina Heyrana, Boon Chong Goh, Juan Roberto Perilla, Tam-Linh N. Nguyen,Matthew R. England, Maria C. Bewley, Klaus Schulten, and Rebecca Craven. Journal of Virology, 90:5700-5714, 2016.(PMC: PMC4886791) |
684. Flexibility coexists with shape persistence in cyanostar macrocycles.Yun Liu, Abhishek Singharoy, Christopher G. Mayne, Arkajyoti Sengupta, KrishnanRaghavachari, Klaus Schulten, and Amar H. Flood. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138:4843-4851, 2016.(PMC: PMC4957974) |
683. Recognition of poly-ubiquitins by the proteasome through proteinre-folding guided by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.Yi Zhang, Lela Vukovic, Till Rudack, Wei Han, and Klaus Schulten. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120:8137-8146, 2016.(PMC: PMC5001906) |
682. Disulfide bridges: bringing together frustrated structure in abioactive peptide.Yi Zhang, Klaus Schulten, Martin Gruebele, Paramjit S. Bansal, David Wilson,and Norelle L. Daly. Biophysical Journal, 110:1744-1752, 2016.(PMC: PMC4850350) |
681. Electrically tunable quenching of DNA fluctuations in biasedsolid-state nanopores.Hu Qiu, Anuj Girdhar, Klaus Schulten, and Jean-Pierre Leburton. ACS Nano, 10:4482-4488, 2016.(PMC: PMC4918906) |
680. Evaluation of emerging energy-efficient heterogeneous computingplatforms for biomolecular and cellular simulation workloads.John E. Stone, Michael J. Hallock, James C. Phillips, Joseph R. Peterson, ZaidaLuthey-Schulten, and Klaus Schulten. 2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed ProcessingSymposium Workshop (IPDPSW), pp. 89-100, 2016.(PMC: PMC4978513) |
679. High performance molecular visualization: In-situ and parallelrendering with EGL.John E. Stone, Peter Messmer, Robert Sisneros, and Klaus Schulten. 2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed ProcessingSymposium Workshop (IPDPSW), pp. 1014-1023, 2016.(PMC: PMC5061511) |
678. Immersive molecular visualization with omnidirectional stereoscopicray tracing and remote rendering.John E. Stone, William R. Sherman, and Klaus Schulten. 2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed ProcessingSymposium Workshop (IPDPSW), pp. 1048-1057, 2016.(PMC: PMC5063251) |
677. Multilevel summation with B-spline interpolation for pairwiseinteractions in molecular dynamics simulations.David J. Hardy, Matthew A. Wolff, Jianlin Xia, Klaus Schulten, and Robert D.Skeel. Journal of Chemical Physics, 144:114112, 2016. (16 pages).(PMC: PMC4808071) |
676. Cyclophilin A stabilizes HIV-1 capsid through a novelnon-canonical binding site.Chuang Liu, Juan R. Perilla, Jiying Ning, Manman Lu, Guangjin Hou, RubenRamalho, Gregory Bedwell, In-Ja Byeon, Jinwoo Ahn, Jiong Shi, AngelaGronenborn, Peter Prevelige, Itay Rousso, Christopher Aiken, TatyanaPolenova, Klaus Schulten, and Peijun Zhang. Nature Communications, 7:10714:(10 pages), 2016.(PMC: PMC4785225) |
675. Molecular mechanism of processive 3' to 5' RNA translocation in theactive subunit of the RNA exosome complex.Lela Vukovic, Christophe Chipot, Debora L. Makino, Elena Conti, and KlausSchulten. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138:4069-4078, 2016.(PMC: PMC4988868) |
674. Computational methodologies for real-space structural refinement oflarge macromolecular complexes.Boon Chong Goh, Jodi A. Hadden, Rafael C. Bernardi, Abhishek Singharoy, RyanMcGreevy, Till Rudack, C. Keith Cassidy, and Klaus Schulten. Annual Review of Biophysics, 45:253-278, 2016.(PMC: PMC5526348) |
673. Advances in the molecular dynamics flexible fitting method forcryo-EM modeling.Ryan McGreevy, Ivan Teo, Abhishek Singharoy, and Klaus Schulten. Methods, 100:50-60, 2016.(PMC: PMC4848153) |
672. Atomic detail visualization of photosynthetic membranes withGPU-accelerated ray tracing.John E. Stone, Melih Sener, Kirby L. Vandivort, Angela Barragan, AbhishekSingharoy, Ivan Teo, Joao V. Ribeiro, Barry Isralewitz, Bo Liu, Boon ChongGoh, James C. Phillips, Craig MacGregor-Chatwin, Matthew P. Johnson, Lena F.Kourkoutis, C. Neil Hunter, and Klaus Schulten. Parallel Computing, 55:17-27, 2016.(PMC: PMC4890717) |
671. Intrinsic stepwise translocation of stretched ssDNA in graphenenanopores.Hu Qiu, Aditya Sarathy, Jean-Pierre Leburton, and Klaus Schulten. Nano Letters, 15:8322-8330, 2015.(PMC: PMC4676420) |
670. CryoEM and computer simulations reveal a novel kinaseconformational switch in bacterial chemotaxis signaling.C. Keith Cassidy, Benjamin A. Himes, Frances J. Alvarez, Jun Ma, Gongpu Zhao,Juan R. Perilla, Klaus Schulten, and Peijun Zhang. eLife, 10.7554/eLife.08419, 2015. PMID: 26583751. |
669. Transient β-hairpin formation in α-synuclein monomerrevealed by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation.Hang Yu, Wei Han, Wen Ma, and Klaus Schulten. Journal of Chemical Physics, 143:243142, 2015.(PMC: PMC4684271) |
668. Nascent peptide assists the ribosome in recognizing chemicallydistinct small molecules.Pulkit Gupta, Bo Liu, Dorota Klepacki, Vrinda Gupta, Klaus Schulten,Alexander S. Mankin, and Nora Vazquez-Laslop. Nature Chemical Biology, pp. (6 pages), 2015. PMID: 26727240. |
667. Dynamic allostery governs cyclophylin A-HIV capsid interplay.Manman Lu, Guangjin Hou, Huilan Zhang, Christopher L. Suiter, Jinwoo Ahn,In-Ja L. Byeon, Juan R. Perilla, Christopher J. Langmead, Ivan Hung, Peter L.Gor'kov, Zhehong Gan, William Brey, Christopher Aiken, Peijun Zhang, KlausSchulten, Angela M. Gronenborn, and Tatyana Polenova. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,112:14617-14622, 2015.(PMC: PMC4664340) |
666. Chemical visualization of human pathogens: the RetroviralCapsids.Juan R. Perilla, Boon Chong Goh, John Stone, and Klaus Schulten. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM/IEEE Conference onSupercomputing, 2015. (4 pages). |
665. Structural refinement of proteins by restrained molecular dynamicssimulations with non-interacting molecular fragments.Rong Shen, Wei Han, Giacomo Fiorin, Shahidul M. Islam, Klaus Schulten, andBenoit Roux. PLoS Computational Biology, 11:e1004368, 2015. (19 pages).(PMC: PMC4624691) |
664. Tri-Modal therapy: Combining hyperthermia with repurposedbexarotene and ultrasound for treating liver cancer.Santosh K. Misra, Goutam Ghoshal, Manas R. Gartia, Zhe Wu, Mao Ye, Corinne R.Bromfield, Emery M. Williams, Krishnarao V. Tangella, Klaus Schulten,Partha S. Ray, Everette C. Burdette, and Dipanjan Pan. ACS Nano, 9:10695-10718, 2015.(PMC: PMC4820022) |
663. Mapping mechanical force propagation through biomolecular complexes.Constantin Schoeler, Rafael C. Bernardi, Klara H. Malinowska, Ellis Durner,Wolfgang Ott, Edward A. Bayer, Klaus Schulten, Michael A. Nash, andHermann E. Gaub. Nano Letters, 15:7370-7376, 2015.(PMC: PMC4721519) |
662. Dynamic profiling of double-stranded RNA binding proteins.Xinlei Wang, Lela Vukovic, Hye Ran Koh, Klaus Schulten, and Sua Myong. Nucleic Acids Res., 43:7566-7576, 2015.(PMC: PMC4551942) |
661. Macromolecular crystallography for synthetic abiological molecules:Combining xMDFF and PHENIX for structure determination of cyanostarmacrocycles.Abhishek Singharoy, Balasubramanian Venkatakrishnan, Yun Liu, Christopher G.Mayne, Chun-Hsing Chen, Adam Zlotnick, Klaus Schulten, and Amar H. Flood. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137:8810-8818, 2015.(PMC: PMC4504762) |
660. Atomic modeling of an immature retroviral lattice using moleculardynamics and mutagenesis.Boon Chong Goh, Juan R. Perilla, Matthew R. England, Katrina J. Heyrana,Rebecca C. Craven, and Klaus Schulten. Structure, 23:1414-1425, 2015.(PMC: PMC4526393) |
659. Comparing fast pressure jump and temperature jump protein foldingexperiments and simulations.Anna Jean Wirth, Yanxin Liu, Maxim B. Prigozhin, Klaus Schulten, and MartinGruebele. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137:7152-7159, 2015.(PMC: PMC4794261) |
658. Comparative dynamics and sequence dependence of DNA and RNAbinding to single walled carbon nanotubes.Markita P. Landry, Lela Vukovic, Sebastian Kruss, Gili Bisker, Alexandra M.Landry, Shahrin Islam, Rishabh Jain, Klaus Schulten, and Michael S. Strano. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119:10048-10058, 2015.(PMC: PMC4440682) |
657. The ribosome can discriminate the chirality of amino acids within itspeptidyl-transferase center.Michael T. Englander, Joshua L. Avins, Rachel C. Fleisher, Bo Liu, Philip R.Effraim, Jiangning Wang, Klaus Schulten, Thomas S. Leyh, Ruben L. GonzalezJr., and Virginia W. Cornish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,112:6038-6043, 2015.(PMC: PMC4434717) |
656. Molecular dynamics simulations of large macromolecular complexes.Juan R. Perilla, Boon Chong Goh, C. Keith Cassidy, Bo Liu, Rafael C. Bernardi,Till Rudack, Hang Yu, Zhe Wu, and Klaus Schulten. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 31:64-74, 2015.(PMC: PMC4476923) |
655. Tunable graphene quantum point contact transistor for DNA detectionand characterization.Anuj Girdhar, Chaitanya Sathe, Klaus Schulten, and Jean-Pierre Leburton. Nanotechnology, 26:134005, 2015. (10 pages).(PMC: PMC4400256) |
654. Mechanism of substrate translocation by a ring-shaped ATPase motorat millisecond resolution.Wen Ma and Klaus Schulten. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137:3031-3040, 2015.(PMC: PMC4393844) |
653. Enhanced sampling techniques in molecular dynamics simulations ofbiological systems.Rafael C. Bernardi, Marcelo C. R. Melo, and Klaus Schulten. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1850:872-877, 2015.(PMC: PMC4339458) |
652. Multilevel summation method for electrostatic force evaluation.David J. Hardy, Zhe Wu, James C. Phillips, John E. Stone, Robert D. Skeel, andKlaus Schulten. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 11:766-779, 2015.(PMC: PMC4325600) |
651. Identification of ubiquinol binding motifs at the Qo-site of thecytochrome bc1 complex.Angela M. Barragan, Antony R. Crofts, Klaus Schulten, and Ilia A. Solov'yov. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119:433-447, 2015.(PMC: PMC4297238) |
650. CheY's acetylation sites responsible for generating clockwiseflagellar rotation in Escherichia coli.Milana Fraiberg, Oshri Afanzar, C. Keith Cassidy, Alexandra Gabashvili, KlausSchulten, Yishai Levin, and Michael Eisenbach. Molecular Microbiology, 95:231-244, 2015.(PMC: PMC4426874) |
649. Multiple-replica strategies for free-energy calculations in NAMD:Multiple-walker adaptive biasing force and walker selection rules.Jeffrey Comer, James Phillips, Klaus Schulten, and Christophe Chipot. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 10:5276-5285,2014. |
648. Die Geheimnisse des Lebens berechnen.Till Rudack, Juan Perilla, and Klaus Schulten. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 11:86-95, November 2014. |
647. Ultrastable cellulosome-adhesion complex tightens under load.Constantin Schoeler, Klara H. Malinowska, Rafael C. Bernardi, Lukas F. Milles,Markus A. Jobst, Ellis Durner, Wolfgang Ott, Daniel B. Fried, Edward A.Bayer, Klaus Schulten, Hermann E. Gaub, and Michael A. Nash. Nature Communications, 5:5635, 2014.(PMC: PMC4266597) |
646. Petascale Tcl with NAMD, VMD, and Swift/T.James C. Phillips, John E. Stone, Kirby L. Vandivort, Timothy G. Armstrong,Justin M. Wozniak, Michael Wilde, and Klaus Schulten. In SC'14 workshop on High Performance Technical Computing inDynamic Languages, SC '14, pp. 6-17. IEEE Press, 2014. |
645. Visualization of energy conversion processes in a light harvestingorganelle at atomic detail.Melih Sener, John E. Stone, Angela Barragan, Abhishek Singharoy, Ivan Teo,Kirby L. Vandivort, Barry Isralewitz, Bo Liu, Boon Chong Goh, James C.Phillips, Lena F. Kourkoutis, C. Neil Hunter, and Klaus Schulten. In Proceedings of the International Conference on HighPerformance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC '14. IEEE Press,2014. (4 pages). |
644. Electronic detection of dsDNA transition from helical to zipperconformation using graphene nanopores.Chaitanya Sathe, Anuj Girdhar, Jean-Pierre Leburton, and Klaus Schulten. Nanotechnology, 25:445105, 2014. (9 pages).(PMC: PMC4244269) |
643. A highly tilted membrane configuration for the pre-fusion state ofsynaptobrevin.Andrew E. Blanchard, Mark J. Arcario, Klaus Schulten, and Emad Tajkhorshid. Biophysical Journal, 107:2112-2121, 2014.(PMC: PMC4223215) |
642. On the different types of vibrations interacting with electronicexcitations in the PE545 and FMO antenna systems.Mortaza Aghtar, Johann Strümpfer, Carsten Olbrich, Klaus Schulten, andUlrich Kleinekathoefer. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5:3131-3137, 2014. |
641. Fibril elongation by Aβ17−42: Kinetic network analysis ofhybrid-resolution molecular dynamics simulations.Wei Han and Klaus Schulten. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136:12450-12460,2014.(PMC: PMC4156860) |
640. Stable small quantum dots for synaptic receptor tracking on liveneurons.En Cai, Pinghua Ge, Sang Hak Lee, Okunola Jeyifous, Yong Wang, Yanxin Liu,Katie Wilson, Sung Jun Lim, Michelle Baird, John Stone, Kwan Young Lee,Michael Davidson, Hee Jung Chung, Klaus Schulten, Andrew Smith, WilliamGreen, and Paul R. Selvin. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition in English,126:12692-12696, 2014.(PMC: PMC4240739) |
639. Synaptotagmin's role in neurotransmitter release likely involvesCa2+-induced conformational transition.Zhe Wu and Klaus Schulten. Biophysical Journal, 107:1156-1166, 2014.(PMC: PMC4156666) |
638. A structural model of the active ribosome-bound membrane proteininsertase YidC.Stephan Wickles, Abhishek Singharoy, Jessica Andreani, Stefan Seemayer, LukasBischoff, Otto Berninghausen, Johannes Soeding, Klaus Schulten, Eli van derSluis, and Roland Beckmann. eLife, 3:e03035, 2014.(PMC: PMC4124156) |
637. Gate-modulated graphene quantum point contact device for DNAsensing.Anuj Girdhar, Chaitanya Sathe, Klaus Schulten, and Jean-Pierre Leburton. Journal of Computational Electronics, 13:839-846, 2014.(PMC: PMC4224323) |
636. xMDFF: Molecular dynamics flexible fitting of low-resolutionX-Ray structures.Ryan McGreevy, Abhishek Singharoy, Qufei Li, Jingfen Zhang, Dong Xu, EduardoPerozo, and Klaus Schulten. Acta Crystallographica D, 70:2344-2355, 2014.(PMC: PMC4157446) |
635. Macrolide antibiotics allosterically predispose the ribosome fortranslation arrest.Shanmugapriya Sothiselvam, Bo Liu, Wei Han, Dorota Klepacki, Gemma C. Atkinson,Age Brauer, Maido Remm, Tanel Tenson, Klaus Schulten, NoraVázquez-Laslop, and Alexander S. Mankin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,111:9804-9809, 2014.(PMC: PMC4103360) |
634. Molecular dynamics study of enhanced Man5B enzymatic activity.Rafael C. Bernardi, Isaac Cann, and Klaus Schulten. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 7:1-8, 2014.(PMC: PMC4074406) |
633. Diffusive models of membrane permeation with explicit orientationalfreedom.Jeffrey Comer, Klaus Schulten, and Christophe Chipot. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 10:2710-2718,2014. |
632. Substrate recognition and specificity of double-stranded RNAbinding proteins.Lela Vukovic, Hye Ran Koh, Sua Myong, and Klaus Schulten. Biochemistry, 53:3457-3466, 2014.(PMC: PMC4051425) |
631. Light harvesting by lamellar chromatophores in Rhodospirillumphotometricum.Danielle Chandler, Johan Strümpfer, Melih Sener, Simon Scheuring, and KlausSchulten. Biophysical Journal, 106:2503-2510, 2014.(PMC: PMC4052275) |
630. GPU-accelerated analysis and visualization of large structuressolved by molecular dynamics flexible fitting.John E. Stone, Ryan McGreevy, Barry Isralewitz, and Klaus Schulten. Faraday Discussion, 169:265-283, 2014.(PMC: PMC4208074) |
629. CHARMM-GUI PACE CG builder for solution, micelle, and bilayercoarse-grained simulations.Yifei Qi, Xi Cheng, Wei Han, Sunhwan Jo, Klaus Schulten, and Wonpil Im. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 54:1003-1009,2014. |
628. Molecular insights into the membrane-associated phosphatidylinositol4-kinase IIα.Qiangjun Zhou, Jiangmei Li, Hang Yu, Yujia Zhai, Zhen Gao, Yanxin Liu, XiaoyunPang, Lunfeng Zhang, Klaus Schulten, Fei Sun, and Chang Chen. Nature Communications, 5:3552, 2014.(PMC: PMC3974213) |
627. Integration of energy and electron transfer processes in thephotosynthetic membrane of Rhodobacter sphaeroides.Michaël L. Cartron, John D. Olsen, Melih Sener, Philip J. Jackson,Amanda A. Brindley, Pu Qian, Mark J. Dickman, Graham J. Leggett, KlausSchulten, and C. Neil Hunter. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics,1837:1769-1780, 2014.(PMC: PMC4143486) |
626. Calculation of lipid-bilayer permeabilities using an average force.Jeffrey Comer, Klaus Schulten, and Christophe Chipot. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 10:554-564, 2014. |
625. Observation of complete pressure-jump protein refolding in moleculardynamics simulation and experiment.Yanxin Liu, Maxim B. Prigozhin, Klaus Schulten, and Martin Gruebele. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136:4265-4272, 2014. |