Aq Loot Table
This is the loot tables/trade tables documentation for Bedrock Edition 1.16.1. Version: v1.16.1 Getting Started Creating Loot Tables. Loot table and trade table JSONs are created in subfolders of the root behavior pack folder; loot tables in the loottables folder and trade tables in the trading folder. This article outlines loot dropped in the dungeon Ulduar. Among the loot is the Tier 8 raid armor sets. 1 Boss loot 1.1 10-Player 1.2 25-Player 2 Trash Loot 2.1 10-Player 2.2 25-Player Items marked with a. are obtained from the hard mode of that particular boss. Template of Ahn'Qiraj - Zone. Quick Facts; Screenshots. Wowhead Wowhead Template of Ahn'Qiraj.
Hey guys,This is going to be a huge work in progress - But I'd like to get a list of items and list their priorities for different class/specs so we can make sure we're getting the best bang for our buck in each piece that drops in AQ40 to make our lives easier for progression/farming.
If I miss anything or have the wrong information feel free to correct it. I'm writing this from scratch. :)
Imperial Qiraji Armaments
Tanks >>> Rogues (Dagger) > Hunters
Imperial Qiraji Regalia

Qiraji Bindings of Command
Tanks = Rogues > Priest > Hunter
Qiraji Bindings of Dominance
Warlock = Mage > Druid = Paladin
Qiraji Spiked Hilt (AQ20)

Qiarji Ceremonial Ring (AQ20)
Warlock > Rogue(Dagger/set bonus) > Priest = Hunter
Qiraji Magisterial Ring (AQ20)
Mage > DPS Warrior > Paladin = Druid
Qiraji Martial Drape (AQ20)
Rogue = Warrior > Priest = Mage
Qiraji Regal Drape (AQ20)
Hunter = Warlock >> Paladin = Druid