A Lot Attention
- A Lot Of Attention Has Been Paid
- Pay A Lot Attention
- Require A Lot Of Attention
- Draw A Lot Attention
- A Lot Of Attention Synonym
- A Lot Of Attention Synonym
“He’s getting a lot of attention from defenses”: Damian Lillard on Stephen Curry. Damian Lillard joined Warriors Pregame Live. There he went on to break down why Stephen Curry hasn’t looked his usual lethal self. Dame believes Steph is not getting the quality looks he is so used to. Yes, Goldendoodles definitely need a lot of attention. With a snuggly, affectionate, and loving personality, this breed requires a lot of attention in various areas of their lives. From the warm and fuzzy devoted attention that connects us all to the care and daily maintenance type attention that keeps them healthy, safe, comfortable, and happy.
If your thinking of getting a Golden Retriever then you’re probably wondering whether or not they require a lot of attention.
So, do Golden Retrievers need a lot of attention? Yes, Golden Retrievers need a lot of attention compared to other breeds. They need a lot of exercise to be properly stimulated and vets will normally recommend that they get at least 1 hour of exercise per day.
Golden Retrievers are a breed that
If you are thinking of getting a Golden Retriever then you should be prepared to spend a lot of time giving it attention and exercise. If you don’t then you’ll often find that they can become hyperactive and hard to manage and it will look for ways to get attention from you.
There are actually many ways that you can give your Golden Retriever attention and exercise. A number of them are also very effective ways to wear them out very quickly.
Ways to give your Golden Retriever attention
Below are some options you have when giving your Golden Retriever attention.
Walk it
Golden Retrievers are a breed that is meant to get a lot of exercise daily in order to be fully stimulated. Generally, it is recommended for them to get atleast an hour of exercise per day when they are healthy.
The most common way to give it exercise would be to walk it. You might find that it isn’t enough for your Golden Retriever in which case you could try making it harder by doing things such as walking in a hilly area.
Play fetch
One way to get it to wear itself out quickly would be to train it to play fetch. By doing so you will be able to get it to do a lot of running without much rest in between.
Train it

Another way to give it attention and to stimulate it would be to give it training. The main benefit of this is that it will also help to improve its behavior which should get it to be easier for you to manage.
Teach it to swim

Teaching your Golden Retriever to swim would be a good way to give it lots of attention. The act of swimming requires your Golden Retriever to move its legs around quickly in order to stay afloat which can cause them to use up a lot of energy. It is also a good way to keep it cool in the summer.
Play tug of war
One way to give your Golden Retriever attention and to wear it out a little bit at the same time is to play tug of war with it. Doing so will also help to prevent your Golden Retriever from venting its excess energy out on things that you don’t want it to like a sofa.
Things to consider
It might take a lot to properly wear it out
Something to consider is that it might take a lot of exercise in order to get it to calm down especially when it is younger. It is generally recommended for them to get at least an hour of exercise per day. However, you might find that yours needs more than that. If it does, you could wear it out more by getting it to play fetch, to swim, walking it faster, walking it in a hilly area or walking it with other dogs.
If it’s a puppy
When your Golden Retriever is a puppy, some people argue that you shouldn’t give it as much exercise as you would when it is an adult. The argument is that then it’s young its bones and joints are still developing and having it do lots of running could cause them to become damaged. It is generally recommended that puppies get walked for 5 minutes a day per month of age twice daily. So, a four-month-old Golden Retriever would need to be limited to about 20 minutes of walk time twice a day.
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Most Recommended For Golden Retrievers
Best Fresh Dog Food
Our favorite: Ollie Dog Food - it's good because it tailors the food to your Golden Retriever's specific needs
Best Golden Retriever Treats
A Lot Of Attention Has Been Paid

Our favorites: N-Bone Puppy Teething Ring (on Amazon) - Great for Golden Retriever puppies. - Great for adult Golden Retrievers.
Best Golden Retriever Training Program
Our favorite: The Dunbar Academy Training Program - If you want a happy and obedient dog, this is one of the best online dog training programs available right now. You can get the first month free using This link
When someone says they need a ton of attention from their partner in order to be happy, to some, that's a huge red flag. But needing attention in a relationship doesn't necessarily mean you're 'needy.' Some people really enjoy staying connected all the time, while others need their alone time every now and then. There's nothing wrong with either. Knowing just how much attention your partner needs in order to feel safe and secure in your relationship is important to keeping them happy. Who doesn't want that?
'When it comes to needing attention, we all require different kinds of attention when we're in a relationship,' astrologer Cindy Mckean tells Bustle. One way to figure out how attentive you need to be is to know your partner's zodiac sign.
According to Mckean, some signs tend to need the very minimal amount of attention. 'A typical Aquarius couldn't care less about attention — at least they don't need a lot of attention to be happy. In their point of view, we're all one, as equals.' Instead, when an Aquarius is interested in someone, they are very good at paying attention to every detail until their curiosity is satisfied. Like Aquarius, Capricorns and Sagittarius are also signs that don't really require a ton of attention in order to feel secure in their relationships.
So now that you know which ones don't need a lot of attention from their partners, here are the ones that do.
Pay A Lot Attention
As confident and independent as an Aries can be, they are the first sign of the zodiac. So although they don't really seek attention, Mckean says, they sometimes enjoy demanding it. They do so in order to feel like they belong. Aries can also sometimes get caught up in their own world and concerns, which can unintentional cause them to overlook their partner's needs. If you're dating an Aries, the solution is pretty simple. 'Gently remind them what your needs and priorities are and they'll be glad to accommodate,' she says.
Require A Lot Of Attention
Cancers have a reputation to need the most attention in order to be happy in a relationship, Mckean says. That's because they like to constantly be reassured. 'These sensitive souls tend to pick up on so many signals around them that it becomes difficult for them to tease out the nuances and as a result they [might] take everything personally,' she says. 'As home-loving souls, they don't like it when their partner ventures too far.' When a Cancer is not with their partner, you can pretty much expect a good amount of texts, calls, or e-mails from them. If you're someone who likes keeping in touch with your significant other throughout the day, a Cancer is perfect for you.
If you're involved with a Cancer, making it a point to verbalize how you feel about them is super important. They like receiving that validation. For instance, even if you say 'I love you' right before bed, it wouldn't hurt to say it first thing in the morning as well. 'Know that in return they'll always be thinking of you, your well-being, and comfort,' she says. 'They will indulge you with good home-made cooking and comfort foods, make sure the home is always cozy, and they'll always be there to listen and try to salve your problems.'
Draw A Lot Attention
When it comes to loving attention, it shouldn't surprise you that Leo is high up on the list. That's typically what you get when your sign is ruled by the Sun. 'There's no such thing as getting too many compliments for a Leo,' Mckean says. 'The more they get, the happier they are.' Leos are known for being social creatures that don't care for being alone.
If you're dating a Leo, you might have witnessed how much they love being the center of attention. 'With the Sun being the ruler of Leo, this sign thrives when they are being admired,' astrologer Amy Tripp, tells Bustle. 'Leo needs to feel special in order to be fully satisfied in a relationship.' The great part about it is, they'll shower you with affection in return. It's a win-win for everyone.
Libras are represented by scales. So it's no surprise that balance in their relationship is essential for them to be happy. As an air element like Gemini, Mckean says, communication is essential. 'Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, they like to be partnered,' she says. 'They don't require a lot of attention in regards to being doted on all the time, but they do love being coupled and exploring their partner.' That's great if you're someone who likes a lot of romance in your relationship.
A Lot Of Attention Synonym
If you're dating a Libra, just know that they're known for being huge flirts. So as Tripp says, 'Don't take it personally if you see them charming others.' Because they're all about balance, they need their partner to sincerely put in just as much effort into the relationship as they do. 'Libra grows through partnerships so they need someone willing to grow with them,' she says.
Scorpios don't typically require a high amount of attention to be happy in a relationship, Mckean says. However, they can get a little possessive and obsessive if they feel like their efforts aren't reciprocated. 'As deep-feeling souls, they are vulnerable but they'd rather disappear without a trace than publicly admit that,' she says. Scorpios can be very closed off. That's because they're very protective of their hearts. Once they let you in, it's a huge deal.

If you're involved with a Scorpio, take comfort in the fact that they are one of the most loyal signs in the zodiac. 'Scorpio can become consumed with the person they’re dating as there is a strong desire for merging and intimacy,' Tripp says. All you need to do to keep them happy is to be completely honest with them. 'Scorpio needs to feel like they can trust the person they are with,' she says. 'If they’re not getting your attention they will be wondering who is.'
According to Mckean, the remaining signs, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces 'could go either way' in terms of how much attention they need. Taurus, for instance, can be considered 'demanding' for some, but since they're earth signs, their needs tend to be more practical and reasonable. Gemini just need their partners to be communicative, Virgos pay close attention to the details, and Pisces just need to be shown some cares.
A Lot Of Attention Synonym
Regardless of sign, everyone needs a certain level of attention from their partner in order to be happy. If your partner needs a little bit more, give it to them. That doesn't mean you have to be there for them every single second of the day. But just be there for them when they need you. Everyone deserves to be loved, cared for, and seen by their partner. There's nothing wrong with that.