A Casing Is A Steel Pipe
API standards for Casing and Tubing
- Steel Casing Pipe Suppliers
- A Casing Is A Steel Pipe
- A Casing Is A Steel Pipe Fittings
- Steel Casing Pipe Dimensions
- A Casing Is A Steel Pipe Diameter
- Split Steel Casing Pipe
- A Casing Is A Steel Pipe Thickness

API, shorted for American Petroleum Institute, is considered as one of the most authoritative and comprehensive principles for oil and gas industry. Products complied with API standards are always thought of reliable quality. Under the general standards, there are some subordinated specifications drafted for each specific OCTG product, such as API 5B, API 5CT, API 5D, API 5L and so on.
API 5B and 5CT are mainly used for tubing and casing, standardizing the chemical properties, steel grades, manufacturing methods, color coding, heat treatment, inspection, etc. Tubing and casing are supposed to withstand specific pressure in transportation of oil or natural gas, which means the steel material should have proper yield strength, therefore API 5B and 5CT lay specific standards of steel grade for tubing and casing to meet the general application purpose.
- Casing is a series of steel pipes that are run into a drilled oil well to stabilize the well, keep contaminants and water out of the oil stream, and prevent oil from leaching into the groundwater. Casing is installed in layers, in sections of decreasing diameter that are joined together to form casing strings.
- Steel Pipe & Casings Australia's leading manufacturer of quality assured steel pipes + casings for all requirements. From massive public infrastructure and private enterprise projects to custom solutions.
API Steel Grades
Casing pipe and joints shall be uniformly thick steel construction approved by the railroad's chief engineer and shall be capable in its entirety of withstanding load of railroad roadbed, track and traffic; also shall be constructed so as to prevent leakage of any matter from the casing or conduit throughout its length under track and railroad right of way. A casing pipe is a hollow steel tube that is typically rammed into place through the earth by using a hydraulic or pneumatic jack. After being driven, the displaced soil is removed and the product pipe, or carrier pipe, is inserted inside the steel tube. Casing pipe may also be simply referred to as casing or encasement pipe.

- Tubing and casing of steel grade H, J, K, N in the first group are of relatively low strength. Grade H-40 is seldom stocked by suppliers while J-55 is normally used for shallow and relatively low-pressure wells. Grade K-55 is similar to J-55 except that the minimum tensile strength of K-55 is higher. Grade N80 is further divided into two types, N80-1 and N80-Q. Both types share the same tensile strength but differentiate in delivery conditions. Grade N80-1 can be either normalized or hot-rolling while N80-Q must be through quenching-and -tempering heat treatment before delivery.
- Grade L, C, T represent restricted-yield casing and tubing which are normally anti-sulfur and anti-corrosive. L-80 falls into three types, L80-1, L80-9CR and L80-13Cr. L80-1 is less expensive but is relatively easy to be susceptible to corrosion. The other two types, though expensive and difficult to manufacture, have strong abilities to resist corruption, therefore L80-9CR and L80-13Cr are recommended to be used in heavily-corruptive wells. C-90 is divided into two types, C90-1 and C90-2. Only C90-1 is suggested being used in sour conditions. T-95, which is a relatively high-strength steel grade, also has two types, T95-1 and T95-2.
- P-110 in the third group is a high strength steel grade, which allows quenching-and-tempering heat treatment. It can be adopted in deep wells of high pressure.
- Grade Q-125 is of high strength. If you need tubing or casing to bear quite high pressure, Q-125 is a good choice.
Color codes for API steel grade
In order to clearly distinguish the steel grade, tubing, casing and its coupling should be painted with color codes respectively. Color bands should be painted on tubing and casing body longer than 600mm to either end. The whole outer-body of the coupling needs to be painted color and then color codes.
API 5B and 5CT provide various steel grades and color codes of each grade, offering detailed and overall information of casing and tubing, which help you clearly pick out the most suitable products for different well application.
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Crestwood Tubulars, Inc
P.O. Box 6950
St. Louis, MO 63123
Toll-Free: 800-238-7473
Fax: 314-842-9064
E-mail: info@crestwoodtubulars.com
Steel Casing Pipe Suppliers
You can call, fax, or e-mail us with any inquiries and offerings, or fill out our online form.
Types of Pipe
Steel casing pipe is also known as encasement pipe as it is most commonly used to enclose or encase underground utility lines. This pipe can be used for horizontal or directional boring under streets, highways, driveways, lakes, rivers, and streams. The most popular use for steel casing pipe is to surround and protect smaller carrier pipes for utilities such as water mains, natural gas lines, electrical lines, and communication lines. Steel casing can also be used in a variety of construction projects. At Crestwood Tubulars, we sell new and used steel casing pipe in a variety of sizes, styles, and diameters, generally starting at 4’ pipe up to 60’ diameter and larger special items.
To learn more about our types of steel casing for sale or to receive a quote for your piping, please contact our steel pipe distribution company.
A Casing Is A Steel Pipe
Types of Steel Casing

Steel casing pipe is a versatile product that can be used to protect a variety of types of utility and carrier pipes. At Crestwood Tubulars, we sell a variety of types and styles of pipe that can be used as steel casing including new and used straight seam steel pipe, spiral weld pipe, seamless steel pipe, and rolled and welded pipe. These steel casings are available in a variety of styles, sizes, diameters, and grades. We are also able to offer steel casing pipe with OD and ID coatings to meet your particular needs.
A Casing Is A Steel Pipe Fittings
- Straight Seam Steel Casing Pipe: Straight seam steel casing pipe is so called because the pipe is rolled from strip and formed with one longitudinal weld . This straight seam steel casing pipe is generally manufactured by an Electric Weld or a DSAW type of manufacture. This steel casing pipe is available in a variety of thicknesses and grades depending on your application. This DSAW pipe is formed by first rolling steel plates into cylindrical shapes. The edges of the rolled plate are then shaped so that V-shaped grooves are formed on the interior and exterior surfaces at the location of the seam. The pipe seam is then formed with a single pass of an arc welder on the interior and exterior surfaces and the welding arc is submerged under flux. A main benefit of using this process when making steel casing is that the welds penetrate 100% of the pipe wall and produces a very strong bond. ERW pipe is similar but fused together instead of welded.
- Spiral Welded Steel Casing Pipe: This steel casing pipe is a very durable and economical product that gives your project the long lasting reliability you require. The weld seam on spiral weld pipe is in a spiral around the pipe, said to be like a barberpole style This pipe can be manufactured to meet a specific outer diameter, wall thickness, grade, steel strength, and length.
- Rolled and Welded Steel Casing: Rolled and Welded steel casing pipe is created by rolling and welding larger diameter pipe cylinders from steel plate, and then welding those cylinders into a longer lengths as needed. This rolled and welded steel pipe type of manufacture is generally used to make large diameter steel casing pipe, these are more “specialty” sizes and not made generally in large production capacity. The general size range starts at 30” diameter on up to very large diameter steel casing pipe.
New and Used Steel Casing
Steel Casing Pipe Dimensions
At Crestwood Tubulars, we sell both new and used steel casing. New, primary steel casing pipe is provided direct from our mill sources and our inventory locations. This pipe is available in a variety of different grades and is often available with mill test reports or other types of certification to certify strength and durability. Our surplus pipe and used steel pipe is often as durable and reliable as new steel casing. This pipe sold as secondary and reconditioned steel casing has often previously been used for oil and gas pipelines or by utility companies. Used steel line pipe is a great choice for use as steel casing pipe because after cleaning and other reconditioning processes it can provide as less expensive but capable steel casing product to do your job. We can often provide along with used and surplus steel casing pipe a letter of certification that pipe will meet your particular grade or strength requirement. We clean and recondition used pipe resulting in durable steel casing for road bore casing, culvert and tunnel casing, water well casing, utility casing, and drilling casing.
Buy or Sell Steel Casing Pipe
A Casing Is A Steel Pipe Diameter
If you are interested in buying steel casing for road bore casing, utility casing, or other construction related steel casing pipe needs, please contact our pipe distributor to find out about our current selection of new and used steel casing pipe or to order primary pipe from our mill sources.
Split Steel Casing Pipe
We also buy used steel casing and pipe from utility companies, contractors, and manufacturers, so please contact us with your current pipe offerings.