2 Slot Diffuser
- Invi 2 Slot Square Ceiling Air Diffuser is a great alternative to typical aluminum diffusers. It blends seamlessly with the ceiling for a minimal, modern, and clean look that also provides high performance. Unlike typical ceiling air diffusers, Invi’s 2 Slot Square Diffuser is entirely trimless.
- A vertical downward pattern can be adjusted from all slots as can a combination horizontal pattern and vertical downward pattern from a two or more slot diffuser. When installed in a side wall near the ceiling or in a sill, these diffusers can be adjusted to direct the air path upward to the ceiling and then horizontal along the ceiling.
Nailor 5000 Series Linear Slot Diffusers provide architectural excellence and outstanding performance flexibility. An extruded aluminum border and frame construction ensures the dimensional precision of the diffuser and a precisely shaped aerodynamic pattern controller provides a full range of air pattern adjustment from vertical to a tight ceiling-hugging horizontal air pattern.

Architectural Linear Diffuser, Aluminum, 2' Slot Titus FlowBar architectural linear diffuser system maximizes engineering performance without sacrificing aesthetic considerations for the designer. FlowBar’s outstanding performance allows higher air flows than conventional linear diffusers.
2 Slot Linear Diffuser

2 Slot Linear Slot Diffuser
Nailor 4900 Series Extruded Aluminum Linear Bar Grilles offer a clean, crisp styling and efficient air distribution. The design features precision mitered corners, a wide selection of core styles with a variety of border widths and mounting frames, and multiple fastening types.
Nailor 48LL Series Linear Louver (Vane) Diffusers are designed to provide a high capacity, architecturally pleasing linear diffuser that can supply large volumes of air at relatively low sound levels and pressure drops.
2 Linear Slot Diffuser
Nailor Series 48LV Linear Vane diffusers are suited for high capacity airflows. The diffusers are extruded aluminum and available in either a one or two-way pattern. The deflector vanes are fixed.